1. Arrays and Strings

Explore common techniques and challenges with arrays and strings, fundamental data structures in programming.

2. Sorting and Searching Arrays

Explore various sorting algorithms to organize data efficiently.

3. Linked Lists

Understand and manipulate singly linked lists, a basic data structure for storing sequences.

4. Stacks & Queues

Dive into stack and queue structures to handle data where order of operations is crucial.

5. Hash Tables

Explore hash tables to efficiently store and retrieve data based on keys.

6. Binary Trees I: Fundamentals

Master the basics of binary trees with a focus on their construction, node management, and essential traversal techniques like DFS and BFS.

7. Binary Trees II: Common Applications

Explore advanced binary tree operations such as height calculation, balance checking, LCA determination, and path optimization for deep tree manipulation.

8. Binary Search Trees (BST)

Deep dive into Binary Search Trees for efficient data sorting and retrieval.

9. Binary Heaps

Understand binary heaps to implement priority queues and sort data efficiently.

10. Tries

Explore Tries for efficient information retrieval and auto-completion features.

11. Graphs

Understand and manipulate graphs, a fundamental data structure for modeling relationships.

12. Dynamic Programming

Master dynamic programming, key techniques for solving complex problems that involve breaking them down into simpler subproblems.

13. Greedy Algorithms

Learn to solve problems using greedy algorithms, which make the locally optimal choice at each step.

14. Bit Manipulation

Delve into bit manipulation techniques to handle data at the machine-level.